St. Nicholas of Tolentino Performing a Miracle, early 17th century. Attributed to Friar Alonso Lopez de Herrera (born Valladolid c. 1580 - active in Mexico from c. 1609, died 1660), Mexico. Oil on wood panel: 20" x 17". Purchased with funds generously provided by the Robert J. Kleberg and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation

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ather Alonso Lopez de Herrera, called “El Divino,” was one of Mexico’s leading painters during the early colonial period. Although born and trained in Spain, he came to Mexico as a member of the Dominican Order and painted for almost 50 years. The highly stylized rendering of hands and other features, as well as the pearly light, are reminiscent of Late Mannerist and early 17th century Flemish styles, whereas the direct and intimate way the artist has represented a holy figure is characteristic of the Counter-Reformation “prosaic” style in Mexico.

The painting depicts a miracle attributed to St. Nicholas of Tolentino, a member of the Order of Saint Augustine. During an illness, he was instructed by his prior to eat more meat. When a cooked partridge was brought to him, he made the sign of the cross and the bird came to life and flew away.